Mobile Media Converter

Mobile Media Converter is a free software application originally created to allow the transcoding of audio from early mobile phones into a format which could be edited by Audacity or other audio editors. It is now a more flexible tool which can covert many audio as well as video formats. Mobile Media Converter also allows you to download video or audio from a video sharing site like YouTube, and transcode it into a format that can be more easily edited and distributed offline.

What can I use it for: 

Converting many different kinds of audio and video file formats.

Grabbing online videos for re-use in audio and video mashups and pastiches, to communicate a message in an accessible way. 

Distributing and collecting audio reports from groups using older phones.


Simple to install and use on lots of different operating systems.


Limited in some of its settings for converting videos into different formats.

Platform (OS): 
Windows, Mac OSX, Linux
Tool category: